300+ wedding anniversary wishes and messages - Caption ideas 2020

Anniversary Wishes

•“Wishing a perfect pair a perfectly happy day.”

•“Here’s to another year of being great together!”

•“Anniversary cheers!”

•“Happy [21st] anniversary, you old lovebirds!”

•“Hope you find time to look back on all your sweet memories together.”

•“Always knew you two had something special.”

•“Hope the next [10] years are even happier than your [first decade] together!”

•“Can’t believe it’s been [three] years already. Here’s to many more!”

•“Love and much happiness to one of our all-time favorite couples!”

•“Warmest wishes to the wonderful two of you on your [sixth] anniversary.”

•“Wishing you a happy ‘you two’ day!”

•“Another year, another great reason to celebrate!”

•“Congratulations all over again!”

For Spouse or Partner

  • “Happy [11th], [Babe]. I love you more every year!”
  • “[Fourteen] years of marriage and mayhem! You’ve made me so happy through every single one.”
  • “Happy Anniversary, with all my love, to the strongest, kindest, funniest, best guy I know.”
  • “[Eight] years ago today, you made me the happiest man on earth. And I still feel like I’m the luckiest.”
  • “Every day I’m still discovering new things about you to love.”
  • “It’s been a tough year, but our love is tougher. Thanks for staying so strong through it all. Here’s to us…and to a brighter year ahead.”
  • “I’m so lucky to have you and your love. Thanks for putting up with me for another year!”
  • “So grateful that God gave me you to love.”
  • “It’s our [fourth] wedding anniversary and our first as parents. I’m so grateful to be sharing this adventure with someone so wonderful, and I look forward to all the love, laughter and wonder ahead for us.”
  • “I still remember the way my heart leaped when you got down on your knee and asked me to be your wife. Of course I said yes, and I’d say it all over again. Yes to you. Yes to this life we’ve made. A thousand times YES to our love!”
  • “Yours is still my favorite face.”
  • “Our anniversary marks 365 more days you’ve made me laugh, appreciate you, learn, grow and be oh so glad we’re together!”
  • “I never dreamed love could be this good.”
  • “Still in this together. Love that.”
  • “Love you even though I sometimes have a funny way of showing it.”
  • “Happy Anniversary to My Better-in-Every-Way Half. Seriously, you’re amazing.”
  • “Marrying you was the smartest thing I ever did.”
  • “Happy first-date anniversary to us! You bowled me over then and you still do!”

For Family

  • “Mom and Dad, the home you’ve made and your loving commitment to each other have blessed our family in more ways than we can count.”
  • “So blessed to have grandparents like you. Thanks for showing us, year after year, what a marriage centered on faith looks like.”
  • “Thanks for being wonderful parents and for your lasting commitment to each other. In all my years, I’ve never once wondered whether you loved each other, or me. It was always so clear.”
  • “[Scott], you’re one lucky guy. [Marcie], thanks for making my big brother so happy. Love to you both on your anniversary!”
  • “Happy [ninth] anniversary to my favorite cousin and cousin-in-law!”
  • “It’s so good to call you family, to share good times with you both and to see how happy you make each other.”
  • “Happy Anniversary, [Aunt Becky] and [Uncle Joe]. Each of you is so special in your own way, and together, you’re just the best!”
  • “Family is so much more fun with both of you in it! Happy [fourth] anniversary! Love you guys!”
  • “You don’t get this far without a whole lotta love, and that’s what you’ve given—to each other and to the family around you. Hope you know how much we love you, too.”
  • “I couldn’t ask for a better sister and brother-in-law (or for cuter nieces!).”
  • “Just thinking how good it is to have a couple like you in our family. God bless you both on your anniversary.”
  • “Celebrating this special day in your lives and the happiness you have together.”

For Friends

  • “Sending love and good wishes to some of our very favorite people.”
  • “Warm anniversary wishes to two dear friends who mean so much.”
  • “The two of you have your own reasons to celebrate on your anniversary, and as your friend, I have so many reasons to celebrate you both.”
  • “It’s so cool that two of my favorite people are married to each other. Here’s to [two] great years…and many more!”
  • “This is what happens when marathon runners get married. You’ve built a love made to go the distance!”
  • “You two are so great to know and be around. Can you adopt me?”
  • “Thinking of you and all the good times we’ve shared. So glad you’re in our lives.”
  • “Wow! I can’t believe it’s been [three] whole years since I saw you take the floor for your first dance together as man and wife. Not even your adorable dancing-machine flower girl could steal the spotlight from the two of you.”
  • “There are lots of quotes about lasting love but few couples who seem to do it as well as you.”
  • “Happy anniversary to the greatest people…with the garden we’re most jealous of!”
  • “So…going out to a great restaurant? Huh? Can I come?”
  • “No marriage is perfect, but if ever a couple came close, it’s you two.”

Milestone Anniversaries

  • “Happy [40th] anniversary to one of the greatest couples we know! It’s a joy to have you in our lives and to celebrate with you today!”
  • “You two are truly an inspiration.”
  • “A big anniversary to celebrate a big, big love.”
  • “Wow. Look what love can do! Congratulations.”
  • “Remember, the first [30] years are the hardest.”
  • “A lasting love like yours is the world’s most beautiful thing.”
  • “Enjoy all your new [silver] stuff and have a wonderful [25th] anniversary.”
  • “Love, commitment and a whole lot of fun. Happy [50th]!”
  • “[Twenty] isn’t just a number. It’s good times and tough stuff and forever memories. It’s you and you. It’s love.”
  • “You have so much to show for your [30] years together…a beautiful family, a thriving business, all you’ve learned together…and a lasting legacy of great memories.”
  • “For better, for worse, for the long haul—congrats, you two!”
  • “[Forty-five] years of marriage! It couldn’t have been easy every day, but you two make it look that way.”
  • “[Fifty]—now there’s a number you can be proud of.”
  • “Nobody does it better than you two. Happy [Silver] Anniversary.”
  • “Love that grows through time is such an inspiring thing. Congratulations on your [45] years together.”
  • “Sharing in your happiness as you celebrate [40] years of marriage. Today is your day to be in the spotlight…to celebrate all you’ve accomplished together…and to bask in all the admiration.”

Difficult Circumstances

  • The two of you have seen challenges this year, and you’ve met each one together. Celebrating that today!”
  • “Time out from real life to celebrate you and your love.”
  • “You two mean so much to us. Thinking of you with love.”
  • “Whatever life brings, love can handle it. Have a wonderful anniversary.”
  • “With all that’s going on, here’s hoping you find some time for each other on your anniversary.”
  • “You two clearly took that ‘for better or worse’ thing to heart. Wishing you lots of ‘better’ in the year ahead.”
  • “Wishing you a moment or two to celebrate you.”
  • “I still have a good feeling about you two.”
  • “Remember…love endures all things.”
  • “Happy Anniversary to a couple who’s wished nothing but the best, always.”
  • “When you’ve got a strong love like yours, you can make it through anything. So many who admire you are honoring you today.”

Warm Closings

  • Warmly,
  • Warmest congratulations,
  • Love,
  • With love to you both,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Much love to you,
  • Cheers!
  • Here’s to you two!
  • Best wishes on your anniversary and always,
  • All life’s best to you,
  • Happy Anniversary!
  • Happy [20th]!
  • Still so happy for you,
  • Wishing you continued happiness,
  • Warmest wishes,
  • Gratefully,
  • Blessings,
  • God bless you both,
  • Peace, love, out,
